Bring AI security to Databricks

Real-time protection and validation of AI models and data on the leading lake house platform.
Robust Intelligence protects models in real time and surfaces risk throughout the AI lifecycle. By running natively within Databricks, you are able to seamlessly scale your MLOps pipeline while protecting against security, ethical, and operational risk. Our platform performs these computations in a Databricks cluster, which quickly scales to meet the large data sets typical of enterprise AI projects.

Identify model vulnerabilities

AI models introduce risk in the form of vulnerabilities and erroneous predictions. Our platform executes hundreds of algorithmically-generated tests to identify risks and vulnerabilities throughout development and production. This process of continuous validation is initiated automatically during experimentation when a new model is registered to the Databricks MLflow model registry. To test production models, we also integrate directly into your model’s prediction logs stored in Delta Lake or DB SQL.
Robust Intelligence product screen
Robust Intelligence product screen

Mitigate AI risk

AI models need to account for anomalous and malicious inputs, as well as unexpected model behavior. This is especially true for generative AI since outputs are passed to users immediately. Robust Intelligence offers several controls to reduce risk. AI Firewall connects to Databricks-hosted prediction services so that users can ensure that their production models are secure. Our model registry enables users to choose from alternative, safer models when continuous validation exposes risk.

Measure and manage risk

The ability to identify and quickly address new risks in production models and data is essential to keeping AI systems production-ready. As our platform exposes new risks through continuous validation, we send alerts in real time. Alerts and thresholds can be customized and managed to your specifications and integrate with your preferred tools and workflows.
Robust Intelligence product screen

Automate reporting and governance

Effective AI governance is nontrivial. Our platform translates continuous validation results into automatically-generated model cards. Our governance dashboards provides a high-level view of the status of all your AI models in production. This simplifies your audit readiness and compliance requirements and maps to AI regulatory frameworks.

Roger Murff

VP of Technology Partners
Robust Intelligence Partners with Databricks to Deliver Machine Learning Integrity Through Continuous Validation
We are seeing rapid adoption of a lakehouse by companies that are forward-thinking about machine learning and AI. Machine learning integrity through continuous testing is one of the keys to their success. We're excited to partner with Robust Intelligence on the Databricks Lakehouse Platform to enable customers to fully realize the value of machine learning and AI.